Concrete Leveling Services in Lafayette

When considering concrete leveling services in Lafayette, it’s ideal to hire local professionals for the job today.

Local experts understand the unique soil conditions and climate of the area, ensuring a more tailored approach to your concrete leveling needs.

What is concrete leveling?

Concrete leveling is a process used to raise sunken concrete slabs back to their original position. This method is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity of a property and preventing tripping hazards.

Why is it important?

Understanding the importance of concrete leveling is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity and safety of various surfaces. Uneven concrete can lead to trip hazards, water pooling, and damage to property.

Signs You Need Concrete Lifting

If you notice uneven surfaces or sinking areas around your property, it may be time to consider concrete lifting services.

  • Doors or windows sticking
  • Cracks in the concrete
  • Sunken or uneven concrete slabs
  • Pooled water around the foundation

These signs indicate potential issues that can be resolved with professional concrete lifting services, ensuring safety and aesthetics for your property.

Common Causes of Concrete Settlement and Unevenness

When considering the factors contributing to concrete settlement and unevenness, it’s crucial to understand the underlying causes for effective resolution.

  • Freeze-Thaw Cycles: Winter weather can cause concrete to expand and contract, leading to settlement.
  • Poor Soil Compaction: Improperly compacted soil beneath the concrete can result in shifting and sinking.
  • Water Erosion: Water can wash away soil beneath the concrete, causing voids and settlement.
  • Tree Roots: Tree roots can grow under the concrete, pushing it upward or creating voids.

Benefits of Concrete Leveling

For homeowners and businesses seeking a cost-effective solution to uneven concrete surfaces, concrete leveling offers a reliable and long-lasting remedy.

  • Enhances Safety: Eliminates tripping hazards.
  • Improves Aesthetics: Restores the appearance of the concrete.
  • Prevents Further Damage: Stops the progression of concrete settlement.
  • Increases Property Value: Enhances curb appeal and marketability.

Different Methods of Concrete Leveling

When it comes to concrete leveling, three common methods are often used: mudjacking, polyurethane foam injection, and self-leveling compounds.

Each method has its own advantages and is suited for different situations based on the extent of the concrete damage and the desired outcome.

Understanding these methods can help property owners make informed decisions when it comes to repairing and leveling their concrete surfaces.


Mudjacking, also known as slabjacking, is a common method used for leveling concrete surfaces. This process involves pumping a mixture of water, soil, sand, and cement beneath the sunken concrete slab.

The mixture fills voids and raises the slab to its proper level. Mudjacking is a cost-effective solution for uneven concrete driveways, sidewalks, and patios, providing stability and durability to the surface.

Polyurethane Foam Injection

Polyurethane foam injection offers a modern and efficient alternative to traditional mudjacking for leveling concrete surfaces.

This method involves injecting expanding polyurethane foam beneath the concrete slab to lift and level it.

The foam’s lightweight nature minimizes stress on the soil and can fill voids, providing a stable base for the concrete.

Polyurethane foam injection is quick, cost-effective, and results in long-lasting repairs.

Self-Leveling Compounds

For concrete leveling projects, utilizing self-leveling compounds presents an efficient and effective method that ensures a smooth and even surface. This technique involves pouring a liquid compound that settles into low areas, creating a level base.

Self-leveling compounds are ideal for correcting minor imperfections in concrete floors before applying finishes. They provide a quick solution that saves time and effort compared to traditional concrete leveling methods.

Tips for Maintaining Level Concrete Surfaces

To effectively maintain level concrete surfaces, regular inspections and timely repairs are essential.

  • Keep the surface clean and free of debris.
  • Seal the concrete every 1-2 years to protect it from moisture.
  • Address any cracks or uneven areas promptly.
  • Avoid heavy machinery or sharp objects that could damage the surface.

Risks of Uneven Concrete

Uneven concrete poses various risks that can impact both property and safety. To understand the importance of addressing this issue promptly, consider the following points:

  • Uneven concrete can lead to trip hazards for pedestrians.
  • It may cause water to pool in certain areas, leading to potential damage.
  • Uneven surfaces can also affect the structural integrity of buildings.
  • Addressing these issues promptly can prevent costly repairs in the future.

Hire Local Concrete Leveling Pros Today

Local concrete leveling pros in Lafayette are equipped to address the risks posed by uneven concrete. Uneven surfaces can lead to safety hazards, trip and fall accidents, and water pooling issues. Hiring these professionals ensures a quick resolution to these problems, restoring the safety, functionality, and aesthetics of your concrete surfaces.

Don’t wait until the risks escalate. Reach out to local concrete leveling experts today.

Get in Touch Today!

We want to hear from you about your Concrete needs. No Concrete problem in Lafayette is too big or too small for our experienced team! Call us or fill out our form today!